
At Southern Tier Connect, our goal is to be a trusted resource for information as you navigate partnerships for yourself or your loved one. 

Local Provider Resources

211 Local Resources

211-NY has collected information about services in different communities across NY. Once on their website, you can select your county to connect with these resources.

OPWDD Provider Directory

The NYS Office For People With Developmental Disabilities and its associated voluntary agencies offer many services to individuals and their families. Visit the link below to search for services in your community. 

NPI Number Lookup

NPI Number Lookup is the premier NPI database in the country with up-to-date information from the national database. Launched in 2007, NPI Number Lookup is used by millions of people each year for information on Doctors & Physicians and Groups & Organizations. Our information is provided the National NPI Registry and continually updated for accuracy of information.

Health and Wellness

Please contact your Care Manager with any issues that arise Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you need to get in touch with an STC Supervisor outside of the regular workday (after 4 p.m. and before 8 a.m. during the workweek, and any time during the weekend), call (607) 376-7526 x101.

For health-related emergencies, please dial 911. 

Quality Assurance

Southern Tier Connect’s Quality Assurance department’s mission is to ensure that individuals are treated fairly and with dignity. You will find our Notice of Privacy Practices at the bottom of each page, as well as a form to report any Corporate Compliance issues below.

Corporate compliance is the way that a company ensures that it is following all the laws and regulations that apply to its business. This generally involves the design, implementation, and monitoring of policies, training, procedures, and practices.

Corporate Compliance Reporting
  • Corporate Compliance Reporting

  • Provide as much information as possible to allow us to properly conduct an investigation and follow-up.
  • Phone

Webinar & Newsletter Archives

Our webinar topics have included OPWDD processes, guardianship, housing options, job opportunities, tips for wellbeing and communication, and much more.

Visit this page to subscribe to our quarterly e-newsletter and view past editions.