We are proud to introduce a new feature to our website; a spotlight blog, with input from staff, families, and leading experts who can offer advice and news to Southern Tier Connect Families. Our first entry is from Parent Advisory Council Member Melissa Marietta. She is an online essayist, higher education professional and most importantly, mom to two amazing girls. Charlotte, who is 8, wants to go to college to major in jokes and recently reported she is the” family alpha”. Caro, 12, was diagnosed with PDD-NOS and a genetic deletion. She loves animals, especially horses, and wants to be a trainer when she grows up. She has a unique sense of style and is in full-blown pre-teen mode.

Melissa is active on the Southern Tier Parent Advisory Council and is ever grateful for the support of the Southern Tier Connect and Springbrook staff who have helped Caroline live life to the fullest.

Visit her post here on her blog “A Mom’s Life.” If you would like to contribute to this part of our website, please contact us!